What HoofnHorn is doing to keep you safe:

  • Getting vaccinated! Emily received her 3rd shot on December 21, 2021.

  • Cleaning all surfaces of instruments, tables, and props between sessions

  • Running a professional grade (HEPA) air purifier and light fan before, during, and after sessions

  • Scheduling a buffer of at least 15 minutes between sessions

  • When therapeutically appropriate, maintaining 6’ distance

Understand your risks:

  • Whenever possible, music therapy at HoofnHorn will take place without masks. This is because communication includes body language and facial expressions. It has been a long year for everyone and it is important to regain skills in nonverbal communication with people outside our own bubble.

  • 6’ distancing will not always be maintained - for example when sitting side by side at the piano, or sharing a drum.

What you can do:

  • Please cancel your session if you or your family is sick.

  • Use the hand sanitizer as you enter the studio, even if you recently washed your hands.